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Was muss man wissen?. Power = force multiplied by displacement divided by time P = F × s / t or Power = force multiplied by speed (velocity) P = F × v Undistorted powerful sound is not found in these formulas Please, mind your ears!. Zielgruppe Die Formelsammlung Elektrotechnik Grundlagen ist für Neueinsteiger, Schüler der Oberstufe und für die berufliche Erstausbildung gedacht.
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464=2 A version of the formula dates over 100 years earlier than Euler, to Descartes in 1630. D Z v Z D l o ^ g g> J Í f B ) )}g ng `)Mg 3` JM >)g )} 3` J)g J %)g Mg B zJ` B g% P) ng 3` B J)g « J`>`s J)}g e}n J %)g M>)g J3 )g. 75 Followers, 225 Following, 1 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from a_s_h_r_a_f_____v_i_p (@a_s_h_r_a_f_____v_i_).
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