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̃L b V p X g g Ĕ T N T N ł 悤 ł B Ɩ ɂ y Y Ă Ă ܂ I. Answer to Q1 Solve the following BVP y" y = x1, y(O)= 1, y()=1. X\=~RðrÌûØ"¿Í HlüS„ oþýÒ %– ( LúÓå ÿ©ô¥Ä~$ “Ø~ 7 I¸E `Ãbà ý„–KùàÃà G(–hºDÿý $ú¯Ò¯¥O%áiD ½E·϶KºÜ$ìµd~@Ú%í—„j‰" ó%z ³¼/±°† »äŦ¥?.
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B hnk a tt ) Ia ?. 12/03/19 · Does this mean that the eigenfunctions of this ODE are $\phi_n(x)=e^{x}\sin(nx)$ with corresponding eigenvalues $\lambda_n=n^2$?. üO ^DàbψJ S ,³ 7ŽÝg%ŠD¶D¢×ãv D9Tœ ^º1‰$ íné ô¢¤Ÿ ã²f©²8xédà>)ù· æÐ×Iþr · ôà U 3쌬Cí`ÀŽ.
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Wh†q X‹Jreligious“ùŒÐga’Âh‹Øbeco‰P (inc `r€²ce†hd‘Áoccup‚ ¶‰placŒªworship,óoŒ itŽ•ƒY (—XŠÈb Àon—À‘õ ãpe˜€™Y 4fil˜àei™Ñ’Y urvš ˜Ètruste hšx€˜€shoulx›a’I˜ ›Š”I˜xƒ¨›ùmo€ðme—±‹¸’lˆ on‚O‚O‚N éŠG›rwhi law‚²Ÿ*œ Ÿ˜denomin‹ƒœ8 ›. Domek_Tom_II_DEMO^D ^D BOOKMOBI 8& y 8 B M VI _u h p y F f p 2" $ͱ&֟( n* , 30 L2 4 6 8 P> I @ B D F H PJ L P R T V SX ߗZ \ ^ ` d f h (hj 1Nl cn Cpp Mnr V t _ v i x q z zC ~ J ² " V r Ȗ ' 0 MOBI 7uT HP " $ # % W EXTH t dj h d Adrianna Szymańskae Wydawnictwo Novae Resl inkpadpl dfBT pl horizontallr kindleembed0003 ,D @ @ @ @ @ 1029. The condition X(0) = 0 is satisfied if and only if d 1 = 0 The condition X(ℓ) = 0 is satisfied if and only if d 1 ℓd 2 = 0 So the conditions X(0) = X(ℓ) = 0 are both satisfied only if d 1 = d 2 = 0, in which case X(x) is identically zero There is nothing to be gained by keeping an identically zero X(x), so we discard σ = 0 completely.
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