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(215) thus ˚(x) = Z d3p (2ˇ)3 1 p 2E p b pe ipx ay p e ipx (216) 22 The complex scalar eld 3 Substitute the mode expansion into the Hamiltonian H= Z d3x ˚_ ˚_ r˚ r˚ m2 ˚˚ = Z d3x Z d 3p (2ˇ)3 p 2E p d q (2ˇ)3 p 2E q i E pE q ay p e px b pe ipx a qe iqx by q e iqx p iq ay p e px ib pe ipx a qe iqx by q e qx m2 a y p e ipx b pe ip x a qe iqx b q e q = Z d3x.
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J are independent of each other and have the same distribution as a given integervalued rv X Theorem 2 can be used in order to prove the following statements Suppose that E(X)=µ, Var(X)=s2 Then (i) E(Yn)=µn (ii)If µ 6= 1, then Var(Yn)= s2µn¡1(1¡µn) (1¡µ) If µ =1 then Var(Yn)=ns 2 Proof Was given in lectures (and a different proof can be found in Notes 4) Some additional. 04/16 ڍ L O i t j T3400 ^ C z E c a Y c a Y;. Ij represent the measurement in the j th sample of the ith subgroup Formulas for the Points on the Chart The ith subgroup mean is calculated using n x x n j ij i ∑ = =1, and the subgroup range is calculated with R i =x i(n) −x i(1), which is the smallest observation of the subgroup subtracted from the largest Estimating the Xbar Chart Center Line ( Grand Mean) In the Xbar and R Charts.
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