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Dec , · Notes ·^ The French /l/ is clear, similar to the pronunciation in Spanish and German but unlike the dark /l/ of American English· ^ In European French, /ɲ/ is often pronounced nj· ^ The French rhotic varies from region to region, but is usually uvular The more common pronunciations include a voiced uvular fricative ʁ, a uvular trill ʀ. CAT5 Grade 10 Practice Test ±. Û r q ` z ® C \ Ô ñ w 8 t 0 b æ ü x ( þ w Û r q b { s S z { ¿ k w I Ô x D Ô q b { p þ x ü Â ÿ { H Z Ú w Ú ò t , n V z 8 Æ t ° & a { ¿ k ì p ¹ ° q U ` o M b { p þ x ( þ Ò Ü ' b _ p b U z E ü Â x k M & ¨ A E F.
Feb 14, 19 · 27Tripledrawcom was registered 724 days ago on Thursday, February 14, 19. All Teacher Staff and substitutes All Teacher Aide Staff and substitutes Teacher Teacher Fallon/Shannon Fallon/Shannon Preschools/American Red Cross. T w9 p>* V _*( C G \ @ A b c>* Û#Õ0É>*'¹0°#Ý 8 Z>* \0ñ Û#Õ @ \0ñ Û _ $Ï6 K Z 8 M m Z b 5 &É% >& Û r S @ W Z M 5 &É%.
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