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Nov 01, 06 · Table 1 presents our numerical calculations For each γ and distribution of β, we choose r to yield the target elasticity of demand when t = 0% (the elasticity of demand depends on the tax)We then fix that r, and solve numerically for the optimal tax t ⁎, which we report in Column 7 of Table 1See the Appendix for more details about these calculations 23. H 5 ª Ñ é u Y é t ¨ 4 p m o 4 è t X , è ¨ 4 T ' v í w 4 1 6 è. N g è g û ¦ h 4 ª Ð è Ó Ê q } = Ñ ý g û ¦ é n g } ³ !.
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