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Jan 31, 19 · AD = C I G X – M 10 December 19 31 January 19 by Tejvan Pettinger Readers Question what does AD stand for in economic terms?. Û*f* 'ö# M M ( l g Û /*Ë ( æ M v b \ K r M >& >' >G>B \ c \&k @'ö#* #Ý l g Û*f* #Ý _ Q R $Î/ M § º l b ß ¢ å _ ²0 ^ & >' Ã « á î » \ c \&k @ Ø î ¨ î _$Î/ M § º l b ß ¢ å _ ²0 ^ /0É$ æ M v b \ K r M. Title (Microsoft Word \3}\3}\3R\3\214\3\212\3\212\1\3X11_\215\305\217I_doc) Author.
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AD = Aggregate Demand – the total planned expenditure in an economy Aggregate Demand is composed of various factors C, I, G, X – M C= Consumer spending;. Empir Hlápproach €@˜0lešP= €àspan¤/¤(¦ sup>4 ƒ€€„p÷idth="18"álign="left"> €@ Øleˆ = ²€àspanŸ„sizŸ€2 sup>8 Co™ s£€s. Æ'g û _ G9G GW>Ì >Ì HGG FÜFúH>Ì >Ì ¦ d ¡>Ì G6GyGEG GCG2G6G GG>Ì 4 ' &k>Ì 0¿'g º v>Ì >ÿ>â>Ü>Ì º >Ì >ß>Ì v>Ì ( X>Ì >â>Ì Ç>Ì æ/²* >Ì z*Ë>Ì æ/² v)~ z>Ì ¶ ¡>Ì ,û >Ì ô N>Ì d ~ >Ì FÈ>â>ß>Þ>Ù>Ü>Ü>ä>â>Ì >Ì É, %4 ³# w á #ëH H H H H H >Ì.
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