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Tente resolver os exercícios antes de olhar as respostas!. 1 Calcule a derivada das funções dadas a) f(x) = x 3 x 212 b) f(x) = 2x 310x1 c) g(z) = 7z3 z. V7 &VޡW ؕ pI r֧VS = V N nt i"Fd M lk 0 & v HQ E 23X uݤ7 JV5 I* >e Nq & } ګD v 1 i o > Zՠ OmM y0A e 3ֳ~ _n H x ֖7QI5 Kyn 3 > ~5 x% h Mq a 9 oԚ z ɴ䎅zPj5 6"8 хYI 4 c D ~ 0# NFjQW =*U ( S =~ S M ~e ( U 审hԴy c k.
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