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Reductive and capacitive reactance such that XL XC is no longer 0 This, when squared, gives a positive term to the impedance, increasing its value By definition, at the resonance frequency, Imax is at its greatest and the phase angle is 0, so the current is in phase with the voltage across the generator • Impedance = Z = sqrt ( R 2 (X. May 06, 21 · Š%ƒŠGY?;æ?Ü£Š8j &3t8 ’‚ ""q9à c ”)˜K^\3 V€#iqêO"´ F"Ââ—2¬ïðx à6 Ñ X&hSÆM´nlwóîÚ1ᄊ¶¤( M2 ‰Ðe\ÔŒä›uÒ‚èäm"DÞ›PÇ#ÿû’n p Oé† @Nc©ü0ÃI E„™‰¤¡¨ðÁ±uG¬/° @ Þí aD ÔPuõ Ð ƒf£í 5g9 }ôe§žDîY’4¨ ‰Þ4 ʃÚâjƒçƒR% ˆdóNÅÝô*øw‡ ‚!Ã. ˜ÝÖª\ {x©'eRX>j´’¤‰‚ i60iv6QðqYúÞ§$ḋ2 8©Ÿ#“\g‹u˜lc‘ ðÄ Kc_Ä æµ$—ŽD9=kÔ~ Û˪ÙN· ÀŠU~•ä¾&ÕZæFX— Ž ¯¡> ØÉeáu{¤æQœ‘Ö•® Óü' ÙÜ ·Ü žq^AñW ÙJ$‡€yÇ¥}B 6¯³ žMxoÅùã™ n& ì‚çÏ3Âñ,èÌ œ ôï†ÚõÓÏ §˜Çp æ¸ùmöÚ4q€ 'žk§øK¤\}¸Ü4d.
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